


Your little magician will be doing all kinds of fun illusions with this spectacular set! With a huge, flowing cape, your little one can twirl around with great drama.

Every Magician needs a wand to do awesome tricks! With a little magnet attached to the end, the possibilities are endless!!!

What would a magician be without a magic hat? With the "false" bottom, all kinds of things can be pulled out of the magic hat. To add to the fun, the shiny scarves can be knotted together to pull out the infamous endless chain!

*** This idea comes with permission from Lorraine at Ikatbag. Check out her site! I've used lots of her stuff.... all of the dress up clothes on my blog come from her site! She's great!

1 comment:

  1. This is a really good blog wish more people would read this, you offer some really good suggestions on Fisher Island Magician. Thanks for sharing!
