

The Beauty Around Us

I went out to the craft store tonight without kids or the husband, more for a break than anything else. On my way home, I was pondering the idea that Dan and I feel God wants us to learn contentment. That's a rough lesson when Dan is out of a job and my photography business is slow this year. I have been handling it very well, but contentment seems kind of far off. Then, I looked up to something as simple and every day as the clouds. They were big and puffy. The ones you just want to fall into. Beautiful. Peaceful. Isn't Gods creation just gorgeous? There is no better artist.

That's when I decided on a new plan for the week. Taking time to enjoy the simple things with my children. I want them to grow up and be content in the things around them. So, this week you will see lots of crafts for children to help them savor the beauty around them. What a great lesson for us as well! It might get messy, but isn't it worth it?

Care to join us on our adventure this week? Tomorrows theme is "the sky" because that was my inspiration for the week.


  1. Did you take that picture? It's beautiful. And I agree, we need to be content.

  2. There is a hymn we sing in my church that has the line, "There is beauty all around when there's love at home." Contentment is a choice and something we have to practice. Thank you for that reminder.
