

Turkey, Turkey!

I have been itching to do some sort of craft for so long now! My lack of crafting/posting is mostly because of the busy wedding season (my husband and I own and run a photography business). We just finished our last wedding of the year last weekend. So, I am looking forward to finishing up all the editing so I can get my hands back into the crafts.

I have been working on some ideas for Christmas projects, which I will start posting after Thanksgiving, and made my daughter a hair clip for Thanksgiving.

Isn't it adorable? I found some tutorials online (there all over the place) and tweaked them a bit to make this. We love it!


  1. Sweet and simple. Hope your family has a wonderful Thanksgiving together.

  2. Love it! I made some of those for Molly too! Hope you had a great holiday!

  3. Hey, can you show how you did it or where to find instructions? I would be very grateful because this clip is a wonderful
