

Leather Accessories - SYTYC

This craft bums me out.  It sooo did NOT turn out how I intended and I'm pretty sure it will be the end of my time on this season of S.Y.T.Y.C.  lame.

So many of you have been asking for the tutorial for the plates.  That tutorial will be posted tonight.  So, check back soon.

Leather Accessories

We all love accessories.  Finding things is different from the rest, however, is not always an easy task.  

The necklace is a basic bib necklace made of leather, lace and beads.  It's not too feminine but has a bit of a girly touch to soften it. 

The head band is simple.  Little pieces of leather on a headband.  It pulls it all together.


  1. I love the necklace and headband! Super cute! I'd love for you to link up and share this or any of your ideas at my weekly Pinterest Party:

  2. AHHH! I'm feeling the same way this week!!! Dang! I think I might be the one to go! It looks like it will be a race between me you and Angie, (all with the smallest blogs:() So good luck to you too!!! Darn it all!

  3. Oh LOL... I just left a comment... but apparantly I'm logged in under my sister's blogger account! LOL... This is Shannon!!!

  4. See, it really is me! I'm posting on my sister's blog while she is on an LDS mission and I just posted her last letter... apparantly I didn't log off!!!

  5. HAHAHA... Shannon, you crack me up!
