

felt learning mat and wedding craziness

Did you guess which craft was mine for the "science" theme? It was the felt learning mat! I ended up with second place this time around... not bad.

I have a lack of posts... I know. I want to keep up, but right now I'm just trying to get through this busy weekend. I had a wedding today and I have a bridal expo tomorrow! Those two things have been taking up SOOOO much time. But, check out these pics from the wedding I did today. I have to share, I'm super excited about them! I'm also sharing because this wedding was the most crafty wedding I've ever seen!

I love this one! We did photos in Milwaukee's historic 3rd ward.

All the dresses were made by the brides mother! I was flabergasted! I've never met such a great seamstress! Not only did she make the dresses, but she made all the girls purses, table clothes and chair covers, and cushions and pillows for the amazing furniture the brides father made for the lounge area at the reception. Such an inspiration!!!

I love this!

And one more just for fun! Check out those flowers? Aren't they amazing?


  1. Congrats, Deidre. That was a seriously fun idea. The wedding photos are amazing. Wow. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
