

I want to craft... but

I really am around still... just unbelievably busy with my business, S.Y.T.Y.C., being a mom of 4, a wife, and the commitments that follow as a result. We have a bridal expo that we will have a booth at in just over a week and it has been consuming so much of my time. So much so that I haven't even started the next S.Y.T.Y.C. craft and that has me so stressed. Who knew crafting on demand would be so draining. However, I have to say, I have learned so much about myself in the process! I have never made my own pattern before this session started. I have never written a tutorial. I have never had confidence in myself. But I have learned that when I set my mind to something, I really can accomplish it! My confidence has grown. I've written tutorials (even if they need work). I have made my own patterns!!! Who knew? Me?!?! I can really do this thing. If you are considering doing S.Y.T.Y.C., do it! The things you will learn are incredible!

Anyway, here is a bit of what I have been doing this last week. I know it isn't "crafting", but I am making these things with my art! That counts for something... right?

This is a 10x10 flush mount album:

This is the cover page.

I love this... it says, "Love is patient. Love is kind. Love does not boast." etc

It finishes here on the next page with, "And the greatest of these is love"

And this is my FAVORITE page!

So, this is just a bit of my week. My late nights, messy house, and very heavy eyes prove the length of time these take to create.

You can check out my business website here.

1 comment:

  1. I loved SYTYC for the same reasons. I found myself doing lots of things I didn't think I could do. I also found it very tiring and difficult, but so worth it. I can't tell you how many weeks I didn't know what I was going to do until a few days before the project was due. Good Luck.
