

Dress for Alanna

This week I made a dress for Alanna. I used the tutorial from lil blue boo's tutorial for her border fabric sundress. It was super easy and SOOOOO CUTE!!! I love it! Alanna, on the other hand, isn't a fan of the tie straps. They bug her. So, I'm going to come up with a different strap for it. Not sure what yet, but I have a few ideas in mind.

Yes, I've used this fabric before! I bought a lot of it last year and I am FINALLY to the end!!!! I'm kind of getting sick of it, actually! :)

Can you tell she has 3 brothers?

I'm looking forward to the end of S.Y.T.Y.C. It has been a lot of fun, but a lot of stress. In fact, a few weeks ago, I nearly backed out. I even emailed Missy and told her I was done. But after I managed to find time to do that weeks craft, I emailed her and asked if I could stay in. Because it wasn't past the deadline, it wasn't a big deal and I'm glad I stuck it out. This week however, I would be fine with losing tonight. Now that it is down to the final three, it is so easy to know whose is whose and what not that it is more of a popularity contest. I liked it better when it was anonymous and we didn't know whose craft was whose. It wasn't about who made it, but the craft itself. Therefore, I'm ok going home tonight, if that does happen.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I think that the dress is adorable! I love the fabric. totally cute!

    I can relate to the picture with her holding the toy gun....( i always hung around my brother always had some type of cap gun in my pocket...) lol so cute! Love it!

    Good job by the way : ) Some people are just so insecure they have to make stupid comments, like the one above.Deidre, don't let that Crazy comment get to you...
