


Today, my husband lost his job. I haven't freaked out or worried about what is to come, because the truth is... God ALWAYS provides!!! Never will he leave us. Never will he forsake us.

In the meantime, (aside from pushing my photography business full throttle) I am busy working to fill my very empty etsy shop. I will have a link and details to come soon. You will find some of the outdoor play mats and maybe even some teacher totes there. Also, maybe some children's clothing and the felt learning mat (maybe???). Some of you have contacted me about special ordering some of my S.Y.T.Y.C. crafts. If you are still interested let me know. You can email me at

Look for tomorrows post. I have a cool idea for you to do with your little ones this summer!


  1. You could also draw up patterns for your SYTYC and sell them too! I hope everything works out. You and your family are in my prayers.

  2. I'm sorry to hear that.
    good for you taking the bull by the horns.
    and you are right not to worry. God does provide. it's all in His timing.

  3. Rats. I'm sorry about the employment situation, but sounds like you're taking the right steps. In my experience, we have to show some willingness to solve our own problems, and then God sweeps in and the miracles come. Hang in there!

  4. I'll be praying for you too.

    I'll post your teacher tote link to my blog to get some more hits for you. i haven't a lot, but it might help.

    I definitely want a teacher tote! add me to the list... and when you get your shop going, i'll share your link on my facebook... lots of people with babies on there :)
