

sewing for myself

I've been debating whether or not I should start making my own clothes. See, today I had the most important meeting for my photography business that I have ever had. I went to the store to buy a new outfit as I am lacking business clothing since having my fourth child 8 months ago. I don't know how to buy clothes for myself anymore because of it. baby number 4 put my body through the wringer. So, today, I was frusterated beyond belief! Nothing fits! It isn't that I am looking at the wrong sizes either. It's because everything is made for a totally different figure. My figure is an hourglass figure. I'm not small but I'm not in a womens size either (too close for comfort, but not there). So, It's time I start making my own clothes. No shirts with crazy ruffles (love them, can't wear them). No shapless dresses. No shirts that just hang there. And no pants that are too long or too skinny! Lets face it, you need to be skinny to wear skinny jeans. Who came up with these new styles? GIVE ME A BREAK! So, after SYTYC is over, it's possible you may see less little girl clothing and more womens clothing. It's time to be proactive about my clothing (aside from killing myself in the gym - which I am doing). Maybe I'll even do a sew a long. hmmm. Anyone interested?


  1. I have to tell you that I completely understand what you are talking about. Baby #3 did that to my body. I love your honesty because most people will not discuss the "after baby body" So I start to feel like ... hmm maybe I am the only one...
    Clothes don't fit correctly anymore.... I know that. I think sewing your own clothes is a good idea. & I would definitely do a sew a long....

  2. Good luck. I've been in the same boat...and I'm short to boot. I finally found some things that work at JC Penney, of all places.

  3. I am totally in! You are going all the way on SYTYC girl! You've done great. Count me in on any cool projects.

  4. I'm pretty sure that you were describing me! I haven't done a lot of sewing so I'm not sure that I can actually sew stuff for me...but I would love some inspiration. I would def try if you were doing a sew along.

  5. Hey I just discovered your blog. I am a bit older and the baby body is one thing then you hit your mid 40's and ouch the body really does a number...If you don't already have a fit correct to you dress form, may i suggest one before you start sewing for your self to much...And if you cannot get one to be correct try making one from the pre gummed paper tape..There are tutorials on line how to do it....Will save you many many mistakes and headaches along the way if you fit those patterns to a form of you before you sew.... Happy clothes wardrobe building

  6. I'd like to think that it's having babies that makes my body look like this, not just my lack of time to do anything about it! anyways, I love the idea of making your own clothes!
    I was on the winner of the last session of SYTYC's blog and she just made a dress form out of duct tape- it looks like it would be extremely helpful and custom to you!
