

Getting back to the swing of things

After a week of craziness, I'm getting things back to normal around here. Last week a friend of mine miscarried what would have been baby number 5, on a rainy day. It was so emotional and difficult to watch her go through it. I wanted to give her something just to let her know that I was there if she needed anything. However, I'm not a fan of real flowers for a moment such as this... they die. How sad is that? I just don't like to give them as a gift for a sad situation. So, I made some that would last! This was our "rain" themed craft for the day as the kiddos helped me with it.

I simply used a similar process as that of the flower party lights and attached them to floral wire. I then arranged them and stuck them in a small bud vase. Nothing big. Just small, pretty and sweet. I snapped this picture in my car before I dropped them off to her. Don't they just brighten the sad, dreary sky behind it?

And on the light side, the other day I opened my cupboard and this is what I found.

This is what happens when you are a mom of three little boys. "Scary" things find their way in little cupboards and corners to frighten Mommy. It just made me smile and I had to share. So adorable.


  1. What a thoughtful gift. Difficult times call for friends to rely on.

  2. OT: I finally tracked down your blog! I recently made your teacher bag as a gift for my sister! I love it. Thanks so much for the great inspiration! I wrote about it here:
