

Desperate for crafting

Since my husband lost his job two months ago, life has been sooooo stressful and frightening. We've been in a similar situation before, but we didn't have 4 children then. Scary.... that's the best word to describe this. I'm desperate for crafting. I haven't had time because I am doing everything in my power to push my photography business in every way possible.

That is the exact reason I seriously need to start creating something other than photography. It calms me. It gives me peace. I need to.

So, besides being busy, why am I not? Well, besides being broke, I don't have the creative juices flowing much at all. I think it might be time to force myself into getting myself back there. Hopefully I come up with something soon!

In the meantime, we are currently up for Best Milwaukee Photographer and would appreciate your votes!!! Thanks in advance for taking time to do so!

I leave you with one of my latest favorite photo from a recent session. Well, it is actually three photos.

1 comment:

  1. What sweet little guys. My only advice would be to not force the creative juices. Look around, find something that inspires you. "Be still and know" comes to mind.
