Last week Dan and I made an upholstered headboard for our daughters bed. Isn't it cute? The best part, it only cost us about $12.00

The absolute best part of this headboard is how cheap it was. Yes, VERY cheap! First, Dan took an hold headboard and used it for our base. It was a simple, basic, ugly headboard we were just about to throw away. We had a piece of plywood leftover from the play kitchen we made (My S.Y.T.Y.C. entry) that we cut to cover the front of the old headboard. You can kind of see what I mean from the picture below.

The absolute best part of this headboard is how cheap it was. Yes, VERY cheap! First, Dan took an hold headboard and used it for our base. It was a simple, basic, ugly headboard we were just about to throw away. We had a piece of plywood leftover from the play kitchen we made (My S.Y.T.Y.C. entry) that we cut to cover the front of the old headboard. You can kind of see what I mean from the picture below.

Next, we needed padding. We quickly learned how expensive high density foam was and scoured our house for alternatives. Dan had an idea... we had bought these little foam mats for camping.

These things are supposed to help prevent you from feeling sticks and rocks while camping. We bought them for the kids because they were cheaper than air mattresses. Well, the kids kicked us off the mattresses and Dan and I were left on these stupid things. Now, I'm not old, but at the age of 27, I woke up ridiculously sore. useless. I guess that's what I get for making them sleep on this instead of something comfortable. Needless to say, we were NOT planning on using these again. But, that's when it dawned on us... padding for the headboard. It isn't as soft as we would have liked, but it worked and it looks great. Once we stapled the pads on, we put quilters batting over the top and then attached the fabric. Once that part was done, it looked too plain. So, I added a pop of color with some coordinating fabric. I sewed two simple hems down the sides. Then we centered it and attached it in the back. Easy.

The only things we purchased for this project were staples, fabric, and quilters batting. Totaling about $12.00!!! I had a coupon for the fabric! Awesome, right?!?!?!
Alanna's bedding will be done in the polk-a-dot fabric and two other coordinating fabrics as well. We will have pillows, curtains and lampshades coming up soon. Stay tuned for that!
I LOVE THIS IDEA! so cool!
Love the idea... I might have to replicate it in some sense! Do you make the sheets yourself, too? Alena will have a big girl bed soon, so I could use some ideas!
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