
Gluten free & Dairy free

Not too long ago I found I  am lactose intolerant and have a gluten sensitivity.  So what does that mean?  It means I can't eat anything!

Well, not really.  But some days it feels that way.  Do you have any idea how much I have missed a slice of greasy pizza?  

Not as much as you might think, actually.  Now that I've been eating this way for some time, I can't stand the thought of those foods.  Every once in awhile though, I get a craving.  It was so hard for the first few weeks.  Cooking for my family and differently for myself was not easy.  But I feel so much better.

So why am I telling you all of this?  Because I want to share with you some killer (and some not so killer) recipes I've tried.

Here is my new favorite website:  Gluten Free Goddess

She has such awesome recipes!  These are my favorites from her collection (so far, anyway):

This recipe is AMAZING!  Gluten free or not... try it!

You're not going to find a better gluten free pizza crust.  Trust me.

This is soooo good!  The red wine and balsamic vinegar are what make this recipe so great.

This is a great way to kick a craving!  

I lost 20 pounds the first week!  Mostly because I felt like I couldn't eat anything.  But I'm still loosing and expecting that next year, I'll be half the girl I am today.  YAY!

A few other things I tend to eat....

lettuce wraps (chicken, hummus or avocado and lots of veggies wrapped in boston butter lettuce)
gluten free crackers and hummus
lots or corn tortillas stuffed full of veggies
smoothies... like every other morning :)

What I've learned:
-Don't make try to redo old recipes (you know, the ones full of cheese and fat).  Instead, eat healthy.  Fruit, veggies, and protein.
-dairy substitutes SUCK!  Just skip them!
-almond flour is so yummy and so much better than wheat flour anyway!
-Most of all, treat food as a source of energy, not satisfaction.


Are you gluten and/or dairy free?  I'd love for you to share your fav recipes because I'm still learning!

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